
Signature Facial

Signature Facial

Before & after picture, recipient of our signature facial

Male getting our signature facial

Our signature restorative detoxifying facial is suitable for women and men. It is suitable for all skin types. It includes deep cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, a peel, and an appropriate mask. Once I assess your skin, I will customize the signature facial for you. We finish off with our organic skin care line with stem cell technology.

The facial is designed to prevent cellular aging, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, to lift, firm and hydrate the skin and give you a new radiance.

Who Benefits From the Signature Facial?

Younger people mostly choose this facial. The big advantage is, there is no downtime with this facial.

However, it is not as thorough, does not have the same steps, and intensity as our Ultimate Anti-Aging Lifting Facial.

Preparing for the facial

Please do not wear makeup before the facial.

After care for the facial

Please do not wash your face or hair after the treatment. Wait until the next day. Allow the products to work.

Book Online

You can add on an LED Light Therapy session for optimum results.

Not the facial you want? Check out our other facial treaments.