
Tips For Men

Tips for Men

Did you know that 30% of spa visitors are men?

Men are also trying to put the brakes on aging. There are plenty of men who are waxing, tweezing, snipping and shaving more than just their faces these days.

Eyebrows and Eyebrow Shaping for Men

Most men are not comfortable with too much shaping. They just like their bushy eyebrows to be “cleaned up”.

For eyebrows not to look too “manicured”, start by trimming back the long hair and cut them in the direction they grow.

If you have a “unibrow” get the middle part waxed to get a clean appearance.

If your brows are really thick you may need a bit of waxing underneath or above your eyebrows to get a cleaned up look.

For waxing: I suggest that you make an appointment with an Esthetician.

Tweezing your eyebrows yourself is an option. Take a cotton pad, moisten it with Hydrogen Peroxide and disinfect the area all around the brows. Take the Tweezer, wipe it with Alcohol to keep it all clean. Start with the stray hairs under your brows. Grab one by one and pull them out in the direction they are growing. Make sure you don’t pull out too many. Keep both sides the same. When you’re done, wipe the area with a cotton pad using Witch Hazel or Hydrogen Peroxide. Finish off with a soothing ointment.

If you have over plucked the best way to let your eyebrows grow back in is to pluck the stray hairs out, but leave a row or 2 of hairs right under the brows so that they can grow in. That way it wont look so messy.


Whether you wax or tweeze, eyebrows should be groomed every 3 weeks. If you have really coarse, thick eyebrows you may want to get them done every 2 weeks.

Does waxing hurt? Yes, the first time is always the worst, but the pain wont last. The skin stays red for a short while. You can soothe the skin by applying a bit of ointment right after waxing. For some people the tweezing feels worst.

If you have Hair Growing Out of Your Nose and Ears

TRIM them or wax them!

For trimming use small scissors and trim the nose hairs weekly or use a small electric trimmer. This is easy – you can see them.

For the ears, there are two places to watch for, and they’re harder to see.

The hairs on the outside of the ears can be relatively easily shortened and tamed with the side clipper attachment of any electric razor. Once shortened, the regular razor heads should handle them just fine.

The hairs on the inside of the ear are a little trickier, at least partially because it’s hard to see what you’re doing inside the ear. Scissors make me nervous in there, but I have a tiny razor, like the side clipper attachment but smaller. It’s battery powered so I don’t have cords getting in my way. It’s not a big battery, it doesn’t last long, but it isn’t a big job. It takes under a minute a week for both ears. You don’t have to do as good a job, because no one takes a long look inside your ear. You just have to get the hairs that are “outstanding”. Pulling the ear forward slightly will get the hairs to “stand up”, at which point they’re easier to trim. Once the ear relaxes, the remaining hair length goes inside and is virtually invisible.


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