It’s great if you have ideas and dreams, they usually start with opportunities. Opportunities are often in front of us, but we are too afraid to take action.

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities, instead, seize common occasions and make them great. Misfortune, a temporary defeat, setbacks, or the loss of a job can be a great opportunity for  new beginning.

Start today, right where you are, and remember, golden opportunities are all around you. Just keep an open mind.

You can live a great dream, but what separates the dreamers from the achievers is the courage to take a step out of your comfort zone. Don’t just think about living a new life, start living it, start doing something different towards that dream. Take the first step and don’t quit when it gets hard.

Most people fail because they never get started. Oftentimes it’s fear that holds you back, whether it’s conscious or subconscious. One way of defeating fear is to go and do what scares you the most, and each time you take one of those steps it will get easier and all of a sudden you will realize that you can do what you thought was impossible.

You’ll see new door opening for you.
The worst you can do to yourself is to not even try.